(Girl playing Funky Music)
Now I don't believe that is right timing, not for my class anyways. The clock always promises me a few more hours of sleep when I turn to look. And then I turn away for those blissful moments of more sleep.
(Picture taken by Miranda Harrell)
Unfortunately I do have to get up even though I don't want to. And my alarm does go off. My routine is quite normal. Grab shower caddy, towel, and clothing and grab a bathroom before another does. Dressed and all ready I usually have ten minutes until class, which gives me time. Books, “Oldest mass medium is also still our most influential and diverse one,” shoved in bag, hair thrown up and stomach rumbling. My goal is my pantry. Empty...sort of, I know I will find a snack. a yummy chewy bar. (Peanut butter is delicious) That is the closest thing to a breakfast I need.
(Picture taken by Miranda Harrell)
Classes usually end with my roomy and I sharing a class. And then I run off to the “caf.” Chewy bars aren't necessarily the best meal for five hours or so. My favorite things in the cafeteria are the Corn Dogs. DELICIOUS! My roomy loves the pizza; it is a rare day when she doesn't get pizza at some point in the visitation. Food is always a requirement, because even though we ate, an hour or so we are hungry. And that is when that pantry gets attention again. IT is always nice to have a pantry, it hides our food and helps get rid of mess! After that meal we have go up many, many flights of stairs. Seriously, it is many! Four flights from the “caf” to our dorm, and then up three more flights to our floor. It is a lot of stairs, and it isn't fun to go up when getting back from Church Street. "The Street of God." My friends, Amelia, Kaitie, Kath & Kit tend to go down to Church Street multiple tim(es a week (Usually for Rite Aid).
(Picture take by David Copeland)
Sitting in our room. That is a HUGE part of our “undaily” routine, Kath has her own special chair and at any given time there is at least three to four people in our room. Not only is it a hub for everyone, it is the coolest room in the house. With five windows, always one or two open, people have consistently stated how they freeze in our room. There always needs to be trips to get socks, jackets and blankets just to be warm in our room. Everyone in this room is aware that there is schoolwork, but that isn’t our number one priority (you didn’t hear that from me.)
“Most alternative magazines struggle to satisfy small but loyal groups of readers.” Though we have various magazines laying around, only a bit of them actually interest me, and they only interest me because of different articles. I tend to find that I prefer articles in the news papers, Media & culture read, “Because of the switch to online advertising, many investors in publicly held newspapers don’t believe print papers have much of a future.” Which, unfortunately I agree with, eventually I get bored with magazines and newspapers, so I move on. There has always been a barrage of games and shows in our room. From Anime to Doctor Who, there has always are marathons of shows playing. There are also are many games played, Five Crowns, Banana Grahams, Bull Shit and much more games. It is the best way to get everyone together and hang out for hours at a time. Which is what is done, large groups to play games, large groups to go eat dinner, and large groups to mess around and avoid homework.

(Found at guiltfreegames.com)
“The internet was primarily used by universities, government research labs, and corporations involved in computer software and other high-tech product to exchange e-mails and to post information on computer bulletin boards, sites that listed information about particular topics such as health issues, computer programs, or employment services.” My computer, which is ALWAYS open, never closed. “My Pooter” as I call it, is my baby. I never leave My Pooter. So this quote may be true, but my main purpose is Facebook and E-mail, not to mention, the occasional Robot Unicorn Attack. I personally prefer the Heavy Metal version.

(Taken by Amelia Dismukes)
Being on the computer but still socializing, we do best by exchanging all types of things. “Google’s most significant recent investments have been its acquisition of you tube.” Youtube is the main website we explain things, by showing good music, funny videos, and movie trailers it is the best way for all of us to communicate. Otherwise we would be sitting in silence with no actual speaking with one another…not necessarily good. It is true that, “Television is the main storytelling medium in our time.” However we have no T.V. so we live with using the internet and our computer for our television watching time. Like I said before, we have all kinds of marathons. The best are the five seasons of Doctor Who. David Tenant Doctor Who! We spent days, kept up to the wee hours of the night just to watch the show and get through the entire series. Which was what made it such a great marathon, and of course to this day we can quote episodes and remember each one in the series.

(found at lifetheuniverseandcombom.com)
It is also said that, “Initially, households could pick up channels once they had invested in $2,000 to $3,000 in a large receiving dish.” So our friends down the hall do not pay. Living off cable, the only channel that is ever on is the cooking channel. It comes in the best and there is good sound. With just cable you can’t get much when watching T.V. just the basics that actually have few to little good channels. So the cooking channel is the most dependent, however that also makes you hungry for the very foods you cannot eat at the moment. After many conversations on if you have seen this show, or that show, we decide to watch a movie that is, “epic,” “amazing,” “so great.” “The movie industry also has a long tradition of films made outside of the Hollywood studio system. In the following sections, we will look at three alternatives to Hollywood, foreign films, documentaries and independent films.” We have found that the best movies are the independent movies that no one has really heard about and have the most unique story lines and different actors.

(Picture found at wedding-cupcakes.org)
Unfortunately it gets to that time, when it is almost late and there are deadlines to meet and things to finish. It is almost mid-night and finally I have to get to what I need to do. With Microsoft Word open, Facebook down in the corner, line after line will very SLOWLY fill the pat. The movie has finished and we know the next classes with start again. At 8:20 that alarm will go off again, and I know that I will have to get back to work. Our undaily life with go on again, but maybe this time we will go to Rite Aid.
(Picture found at forthemommas.com)
This is a very good MEDIA AND ME memoir, Miranda.
ReplyDeleteTrack the COLORS of your memoir closely - the darker colors are harder to read here on the screen.
Pay attention to that.
And try to get the font to behave - please.
Your content is fascinating.
And your personal blog for the semester has been excellent - I appreciate your willingness to embrace blogging culture, and I hope it will continue after our course ends.
Enjoy your holiday,
Dr. W